Today is my dad's birthday, so I thought I'd share 10 great memories of times with my father.
1) Daily trips to the donut shop when I was in pre-school to talk to the locals and eat some yummy donut holes.
2) Years ago we drove in the snow to get me moved to Massachusetts.
3) Our many trips to the Barrio Brewery.
4) Our trips to Pennsylvania with my sister just to get some Yeungling beer.
5) When I would get tired on walks as a toddler, he'd let me sit on his shoulders, even when it was really hot outside.
6) Drives taking the scenic route while singing songs on the radio.
7) Our annual Tucson Rodeo trips.
8) Morning grilled cheese sandwiches every day before kindergarten.
9) The way he always shows up to keep me going during hard times.
10) Our trips to restaurants!
Thank you, Dad, for always accepting me as I am through all of my life's twists and turns. Happy Birthday!
Sunrise Where the Sun Fries
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Slice of Life #12: Indecision

In a simple way, I experience this when I go to restaurants. So many things look scrumptious on the menu and I don't want to be disappointed by choosing something that won't be satisfying or beyond delicious. Or in more life altering matters, the decision is figuring out where to work or what work I will do or even where I might live.
My mother has always encouraged me to think logically when I make important life decisions. That removing emotion helps you see the choice that is best for you. She says this because I often worry too much about how other people will react to my decision that I can't see clearly what I want for myself.
Friends and mentors have told me to think about which decision you could most live without. In other words, they encourage me to think about what I would regret not doing the most. Or I've been encouraged to consider what option I hope will come up when I flip a coin.
One thing that concerns me is that I can't always see the difference between reality and illusion. What if I'm hoping that things will turn out a certain way in reality they will be quite different? What if I just let time make the decision and risk opportunities that are only available right now? What if my current situation really isn't as frustrating is I make it out to be?
Or I have heard, go with your gut, but what if my gut is wrong?
In the end, I try to remind myself that no matter what path I choose, God will always be by my side. And in the end, those who truly care only want me to do what's best for myself. No matter what choice is made, I will make it be a great experience.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Slice of Life #11: 3:00
On Mondays I am scheduled to tutor Math students at the end of a work day. Students rarely come because they don't know me well; I don't have students of my own this year. After a weekend of recovering from a cold, I was hoping for a chance to leave right on time so I could come home as soon as possible for more rest.
I tried to cover my initial disappointment when a student showed up at my office door for some help with College Algebra.
A few minutes into the tutoring, I was having fun. We were relating operations with fractions involving whole numbers to fractions with algebraic expressions. When you work with students in 11th and 12th grade, you see how gaps from earlier years make it hard to learn complicated concepts. But, we kept working at it and I kept trying to find the entry points to help her learn.
The best part was the sounds she would make as she figured things out. Believe it or not 17 and 18-year olds (even adults) make childlike sounds as they solve a problem. She would exclaim "Ohhhhhhhh!" or "yessssss!" when she figured things out on her own.
I drove home from work feeling like I had accomplished one productive thing, today. And entered relaxation in better spirits than I would have if nobody showed up for tutoring.
I tried to cover my initial disappointment when a student showed up at my office door for some help with College Algebra.
A few minutes into the tutoring, I was having fun. We were relating operations with fractions involving whole numbers to fractions with algebraic expressions. When you work with students in 11th and 12th grade, you see how gaps from earlier years make it hard to learn complicated concepts. But, we kept working at it and I kept trying to find the entry points to help her learn.
The best part was the sounds she would make as she figured things out. Believe it or not 17 and 18-year olds (even adults) make childlike sounds as they solve a problem. She would exclaim "Ohhhhhhhh!" or "yessssss!" when she figured things out on her own.
I drove home from work feeling like I had accomplished one productive thing, today. And entered relaxation in better spirits than I would have if nobody showed up for tutoring.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Slice of Life #10: Create a Space

But, there are things to do - too many to fit into an 8 (that becomes 10) hour workday. Then, there are chores to be done at home - errands to be run. Decompression time is essential for the last hour or two before bed. And then, I remember, oh, I forgot to write!
To craft writing, I have to create a space inside. It's a place where I can listen to the thoughts and ideas as they mingle together like friends at a cocktail party. I am the waiter bringing food and drinks while I eavesdrop on their conversations.
When they all have gone home, I go behind a closed door to frantically record everything I heard. And then I'm left to ask, what needs to be shared?
Slice of Life #9: Haiku
Quiet weekend days
They are nothing like Monday
I want five not two
Yesterday, I met two old friends for coffee and we talked for a couple of hours. We shared a joke about how we thought the coffee bags were props until the employees actually went over to them to scoop up coffee. Our agenda was to discuss our family lives and work.We shared our struggles and offered one other encouragement. Weekend meetings require no written reports or follow-up work.
On weekend days, hard-working people can stay in bed as long as they want. We have time to make breakfast and time to clean up afterwards. Board games, cards, and favorite television programs are all that is on our to-do list. The objective is to reconnect with loved ones and there is no assessment required. The check for understanding can be found in the sharing of dreams, hopes and wishes.
They are nothing like Monday
I want five not two
Yesterday, I met two old friends for coffee and we talked for a couple of hours. We shared a joke about how we thought the coffee bags were props until the employees actually went over to them to scoop up coffee. Our agenda was to discuss our family lives and work.We shared our struggles and offered one other encouragement. Weekend meetings require no written reports or follow-up work.
On weekend days, hard-working people can stay in bed as long as they want. We have time to make breakfast and time to clean up afterwards. Board games, cards, and favorite television programs are all that is on our to-do list. The objective is to reconnect with loved ones and there is no assessment required. The check for understanding can be found in the sharing of dreams, hopes and wishes.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Slice of Life #8: Fool's Gold
When I was teaching high school Psychology, one of the high school counselors introduced me to the True Colors personality test. There are four that represent different aspects of personality. They are blue (people person/pleaser), green (analytical), orange (adventurous/spontaneous), and gold (organized/traditional). One goal of the test for the students in my class was to learn the importance of working with folks who have different natural strengths for positive interdependence. You take a personality assessment and the results identify your strongest colors.
My strongest color is blue and my secondary color is green.
Often, my co-workers who have also taken the test predict that I am strong in gold. Gold is actually my weakest color. In my office there are papers everywhere. I can say, "it looks messy, but I know where everything is," but it isn't true. I can be seen frantically hunting through stacks and stacks of paper to find what I need. My car is an absolute wreck. And if it wasn't for my partner (who is strong in gold), our apartment would be a disaster area. I also am not very traditional. I love change and I often change my situation when I get bored - almost with too much frequency. I imagine to-do lists could be helpful if I could find them after I write them.
People that I know who predict that I am gold are surprised when they hear the truth. I've been asking myself, what do I do or project that gives the appearance that I'm gold? Is it the fact that I dress up to work everyday? Or have I had to work harder at organization because I have no natural skills? Do I hide my messes well?
Even though what others might see is fool's gold, I'm a true blue guy.
My strongest color is blue and my secondary color is green.
Often, my co-workers who have also taken the test predict that I am strong in gold. Gold is actually my weakest color. In my office there are papers everywhere. I can say, "it looks messy, but I know where everything is," but it isn't true. I can be seen frantically hunting through stacks and stacks of paper to find what I need. My car is an absolute wreck. And if it wasn't for my partner (who is strong in gold), our apartment would be a disaster area. I also am not very traditional. I love change and I often change my situation when I get bored - almost with too much frequency. I imagine to-do lists could be helpful if I could find them after I write them.
People that I know who predict that I am gold are surprised when they hear the truth. I've been asking myself, what do I do or project that gives the appearance that I'm gold? Is it the fact that I dress up to work everyday? Or have I had to work harder at organization because I have no natural skills? Do I hide my messes well?
Even though what others might see is fool's gold, I'm a true blue guy.
Slice of Life #7: Tested to Death - We Miss You, Informal Assessments
As a Math coach at my high school one of my jobs is to coordinate all district and site common assessments for my school.
I spent two days in the library calling in all of the students who were absent on district test day or needed more time to finish. Of course, more information about our students is very useful, but I feel the teachers' frustrations that between district, state, and site common tests, they have lost even more instruction time than ever.
I calculated the time I have spent proctoring standardized tests since my teaching career began 8 years ago and I came up with nearly 4-5 weeks of my career has been spent monitoring students as they take tests. When scores or performance is low, administrators think - okay, let's get more information about our students.
In the process, our government officials and district administrators have forgotten how useful informal assessments can be. Our teachers can tell with a quick sweep of the room after a whiteboard check who knows and who doesn't know how to "master the objective." We can give a notecard at the end of class and have students do a summarizing activity and we can find out how we need to monitor and adjust our lesson for the next day. We can listen to our students as they discuss and work cooperatively and gain quite a bit of information about their prior knowledge.
Maybe we should be spending more time training and using informal assessments to improve instruction. I think the scales are already tipped too far toward formal assessments.
I spent two days in the library calling in all of the students who were absent on district test day or needed more time to finish. Of course, more information about our students is very useful, but I feel the teachers' frustrations that between district, state, and site common tests, they have lost even more instruction time than ever.
I calculated the time I have spent proctoring standardized tests since my teaching career began 8 years ago and I came up with nearly 4-5 weeks of my career has been spent monitoring students as they take tests. When scores or performance is low, administrators think - okay, let's get more information about our students.
In the process, our government officials and district administrators have forgotten how useful informal assessments can be. Our teachers can tell with a quick sweep of the room after a whiteboard check who knows and who doesn't know how to "master the objective." We can give a notecard at the end of class and have students do a summarizing activity and we can find out how we need to monitor and adjust our lesson for the next day. We can listen to our students as they discuss and work cooperatively and gain quite a bit of information about their prior knowledge.
Maybe we should be spending more time training and using informal assessments to improve instruction. I think the scales are already tipped too far toward formal assessments.
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